Increase average deals size from +-250k to >1MEur

Improve Seller effectiveness with 100%

Build Collaborative and high Performing Sales Teams

Sell more strategic projects with less effort

Build quality pipelines with high predictability short and long term

Business Value Selling

To close large and complex sales cycles successfully, you need to demonstrate the Business Value to the enterprise customer. Once the customer understands the Business Value, concepts as ROI, IRR and NPV, will generate the sense of urgency to start the project. Business Value Assesments brings the sales teams to the right people owning the budget, having the authority to decide, having the business need or pain and having sense of urgency. This methodology helps your Sales Teams to focus all sales efforts only on the right opportunities and deliver the budget in short and long term.

Sales Enablement Methodologies

How to move away from Hero Sales individuals to proactive team collaboration on all levels generating predictable sales, user satisfaction and market intelligence ? With the right Sales Methodologies, you streamline how your sales teams work and make them collectively much more coherant delivering more business to you. Methodologies like Account Planning, T-Minus Opportunity planning, WhiteSpace Analysis, Deal Based Forecasting, make Sales Teams so much more efficient freeing up time to be at the customer site and bring in more business. Use Whitespace Analysis and AI Isnights to improve your Customer segmentation, targetting in more effective the way that customers buy in modern times instead of being sold to.

High Performing Sales Teams

Coaching Sales people is not always easy. Individual heros get too much attention while the rest of the team stays in the shadow. Bringing each team member to collaborate and share best practices and customer intelligence, will boost a team. Coaching Sales teams beyond the traditional Sales Management, is key to grow the people, build continuity and give them wings. To address complex projects, you need to apply Multi Level selling, involving extended team members on the deal, from technical people to executives or board members.

Sales Dashboard & Analytics

Using simple and robust sales tools allowing seller, sales manager, product and marketing departments and executives look at one and one version of the truth of an opportunity and its forecast. Modelling the pipeline based on bottom input instead of overlays of reporting and get agility to speed up decisions in resources (presales, product) or short versus long term focus. Use the power of Artificial Intelligence to enable predictions in the future of market evolutions and forecast accuracy.

Want to understand how AI can bring Business Value to your projects ?

Learn More about the ValorAIrzer assesment